They had a pretty decent crowd! The Fat Cats announced an IBL(Intercounty Baseball League) record 38,491 fans this season. The Ottawa Sun claims the number is closer to 50,000.
The Maple Leafs beat the Fat Cats 8-4. It was the last regular season home game.
This is the Fat Cats' promotions chick. Pretty easy on the eyes...
It was HOT - but we found a shady spot to relax and watch the game...
There was a nice breeze...
Pretty good baseball...
It was Hot enough that they had a special section where the grounds crew would spray you down during the game!!
Because Ottawa is situated right on the Ontario - Quebec border, there was not much in the way of Toronto Blue Jays' attire. But, man, the fans were sure rockin' the Montreal Expos lids. Lots of 'em!!!

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