Porcello went 8 innings, gave up 5 hits, 2 runs, NO walks and added 5 Ks.
The Tigers beat the Angels 12-2.
Carlos Guillen and Victor Martinez both had 4 RBIs and Brennan Boesch hit a solo homer.
Do you think these guys are happy to have Guillen back?

The Red Sox ALWAYS have trouble against the White Sox???
Tim Wakefield was shooting for win #200...but, NO, guess who messed it up? A.J. 'Douche' Pierzynski took a Wake knuckleball DEEP for a two-run homer!
Dustin Pedroia went 0-for-4 and his 25-game hitting streak was snapped.
Chicago beat Boston 3-1.

Josh Willingham hit 2 home runs and racked-up 5 RBIs and Hideki Matsui went
3-for-4...but that was all the offence the Oakland A's could muster in a 9-5 loss to the Minnesota Twins.

I'm tired...and it's Saturday...and my dog woke me up too early...and I'm
sleep-deprived...and I need more vacation...and it's hot & humid...and I need more coffee...there's got to be an easier way to make a living...YESSSSSS!!

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